Sunday, July 26, 2020 - 8th Sunday After Pentecost
A Mustard Tree
“God’s Kingdom is like a mustard seed”
8th Sunday After Pentecost
July 26th , 2020 11:00am
Pastoral Charge Supervisor - Brian Stevens B.A. M.Div.
Summer Student - Christopher Slusar
Welcome everyone. My name is Christopher Slusar, I am the summer student at Hope United here in Toronto. We are so pleased to have you with us today. Our musician today is Sandy and Gavin is our Zoom host, assisting with our sound and welcoming everyone. If you are calling in, please identify yourself so we can welcome you by name.
You can type hellos and greetings at any time in the chat. The order of service was emailed out with your invitation. It is also available on our website
Call to Worship, Prayers are drawn from Feasting on the Word and United Church of Canada on-line worship resources.
With respect, we acknowledge the world views, spirituality, history and stewardship of the Mississauga of Scugog, the Hiawatha and the Alderville First Nations, on whose traditional lands our church resides.
We thank and honour the other indigenous peoples who share this land. As followers of the Jesus Way, we affirm our commitment as a people empowered to work in restoring broken relationships.
“Opening Hymn” Voices United # 516 “Come, You Thankful People Come” (Sandy)
Come, you thankful people, come,
raise the song of harvest home!
fruit and crops are gathered in
now, before the storms begin:
God our maker will provide
for our needs to be supplied;
come, with all his people, come,
raise the song of harvest home!
All the world is God's own field,
harvests for his praise to yield;
wheat and weeds together sown
here for joy or sorrow grown:
first the blade and then the ear,
then the full corn shall appear-
Lord of harvest, grant that we
wholesome grain and pure may be.
For the Lord our God shall come
and shall bring his harvest home;
He himself on that great day,
worthless things shall take away,
give his angels charge at last
in the fire the weeds to cast,
but the fruitful ears to store
in his care for evermore.
Even so, Lord, quickly come-
bring your final harvest home!
gather all your people in
free from sorrow, free from sin,
there together purified,
ever thankful at your side-
come, with all your angels, come,
bring that glorious harvest home!
(adapted from “Feasting the Word”)
(Tess and Sheldon)
People of God, Let us gather
To worship and praise God’s name.
I give thanks to you, O God,
With my whole heart.
I will praise your name forever!
For great is your steadfast love for me.
You have delivered my soul from the depths.
God says “know that I am with you and will
Keep you wherever you go”.
OPENING PRAYER (Christopher)
Holy God,
We try and fix and fasten you, but you will not be swayed.
You are love in motion:
Calling us to serve,
Sustaining us in the wilderness.
Come to us as morning breaks.
Soften what has grown dry and brittle in our hearts
For we pray in the name of the Son you sent, Jesus Christ.
And through the Holy Spirit that gives us life.
We light this candle as a symbol of love, peace, care and comfort. May all who open themselves to this light, walk always in the ever present light of Christ.
Let us sing together, twice through, “Touch us With Your Light”. The words will appear on your screen.
“Touch us with Your Light” (Sandy)
Light from this candle burning bright
Light our way through dark of night.
Help us find our way to you,
Guide us, touch us
with your Light, O Lord.
PRAYER OF CONFESSION adapted from Matthew 13.31-33, 44-52 (Gavin)
God of Mystery, God of Life,
We imagine that we are capable judges
Of power and wisdom and goodness.
We trust our own standards:
We separate and categorize:
Marking the performance of others.
We fail to trust your power, hidden in all things.
We fail to watch you working out your purposes.
Gracious God, hidden and manifest
Transform our withered imaginations
Until we yield the judgments we trust,
To a love we cannot control.
ASSURANCE OF GRACE adapted from Romans 8.31-39 (Christopher)
What then are we to say about these things?
If God is for us, who is against us?
Sisters and brothers, nothing we have done
Nothing we will ever do,
Is enough to separate us from the love of God,
Made known through Jesus Christ
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
Dare to believe this great good news
“Gloria” - Voices United # 37 (Sandy)
Gloria, Gloria, in excelsis deo
Gloria, Gloria, Alleluia, Alleluia!
The Peace of Christ be with you always.
And also with you.
(mics will be unmuted so you may greet one another)
Prayer for illumination Romans 8.26 (Marion)
Spirit of life
We do not know how to pray as we ought.
Meet us in words written, words spoken:
Intercede for us with sighs too deep for words,
Until we shine with the hope that is hidden in our hearts
For we pray in the name of Jesus.
Our first reading is from Paul’s letter to the Romans chapter 8 (Marion)
Also, the Spirit helps us. We are very weak, but the Spirit helps us with our weakness. We don’t know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit himself speaks to God for us. He begs God for us, speaking to him with feelings too deep for words. God already knows our deepest thoughts. And he understands what the Spirit is saying, because the Spirit speaks for his people in the way that agrees with what God wants.
We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. These are the people God chose, because that was his plan. God knew them before he made the world. And he decided that they would be like his Son. Then Jesus would be the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. God planned for them to be like his Son. He chose them and made them right with him. And after he made them right, he gave them his glory.
God’s Love in Christ Jesus
So what should we say about this? If God is for us, no one can stand against us. And God is with us. He even let his own Son suffer for us. God gave his Son for all of us. So now with Jesus, God will surely give us all things. Who can accuse the people God has chosen? No one! God is the one who makes them right. Who can say that God’s people are guilty? No one! Christ Jesus died for us, but that is not all. He was also raised from death. And now he is at God’s right side, speaking to him for us. Can anything separate us from Christ’s love? Can trouble or problems or persecution separate us from his love? If we have no food or clothes or face danger or even death, will that separate us from his love? As the Scriptures say,
“For you we are in danger of death all the time.
People think we are worth no more than sheep to be killed.”
But in all these troubles we have complete victory through God, who has shown his love for us. Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not death, life, angels, or ruling spirits. I am sure that nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us or nothing below us—nothing in the whole created world—will ever be able to separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
VU # 828 PSALM 105 (Bruce and Jimmy - Text, Sandy - Refrain)
Refrain: Bless God, my soul. Hallelujah!
Give thanks and call on God’s name.
Make known to the nations what God has done.
Sing, o sing the songs of praise,
Tell of all God’s wonderful deed.
Exult in God’s holy name
Let those who seek God be joyful in heart
Refrain: Bless God, my soul. Hallelujah!
Turn for help to the One who is your strength;
Seek God’s presence continually.
Remember the marvels the Most High has done,
The wonders and judgments God has given,
O children of Abraham and Sarah, God’s servants,
O offspring of Israel, chosen of God.
Refrain: Bless God, my soul. Hallelujah!
You are the eternal God,
Your justice reached every corner of the earth.
You are ever mindful of your covenant,
The promise you gave for a thousand generations,
The covenant you made with Sarah and Abraham,
The oath you gave to Isaac.
You confirmed it for Jacob as binding.
To Israel your everlasting covenant you declared,
“To you I give the land of Canaan,
As your appointed inheritance.”
Refrain: Bless God, my soul. Hallelujah!
This morning’s Gospel reading is the Good News according to Matthew, Chapter 13, verses 31-52, (Tess)
Then Jesus told the people another story: “God’s kingdom is like a mustard seed that a man plants in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds. But when it grows, it is the largest of all garden plants. It becomes a tree big enough for the birds to come and make nests in its branches.” Then Jesus told them another story: “God’s kingdom is like yeast that a woman mixes into a big bowl of flour to make bread. The yeast makes all the dough rise. God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field. One day a man found the treasure. He hid it again and was so happy that he went and sold everything he owned and bought the field.
“Also, God’s kingdom is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. One day he found a very fine pearl. He went and sold everything he had to buy it. “Also, God’s kingdom is like a net that was put into the lake. The net caught many different kinds of fish. It was full, so the fishermen pulled it to the shore. They sat down and put all the good fish in baskets. Then they threw away the bad fish. It will be the same at the end of time. The angels will come and separate the evil people from the godly people. They will throw the evil people into the place of fire. There the people will cry and grind their teeth with pain.” Then Jesus asked his followers, “Do you understand all these things?”They said, “Yes, we understand.”Then Jesus said to the followers, “So every teacher of the law who has learned about God’s kingdom has some new things to teach. He is like the owner of a house. He has new things and old things saved in that house. And he brings out the new with the old.”
The Good News of Christ!
Thanks be to God!
VU # 555 “Our Parent, by Whose Name” (Sandy)
Our Parent, by whose name all parenthood is known,
Who in your love proclaim each family your own,
direct all parents, guarding well,
With constant love as sentinel,
The homes in which your people dwell.
O Jesus, who, a child within an earthly home,
With heart still undefiled did to adulthood come
Our children bless, in every place,
That they may all behold your face,
And, knowing you, may grow in grace.
O Spirit, who can bind our hearts in unity,
And teach us so to find the love from self-set free.
in all our hearts such love increase,
that every home, by this release,
May be the dwelling place of peace.
SERMON: (Christopher)
MINISTRY OF MUSIC “Through it All” Andrae Crouch
I've had many tears and sorrows,
I've had questions for tomorrow,
there's been times I didn't know right from wrong.
But in every situation,
God gave me blessed consolation,
that my trials come to only make me strong.
Through it all, through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.
Through it all, through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.
I've been to lots of places,
I've seen a lot of faces,
there's been times I felt so all alone.
But in my lonely hours, yes, those precious lonely hours,
Jesus lets me know that I was His own.
Through it all, through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.
Through it all, through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.
I thank God for the mountains,
and I thank Him for the valleys,
I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.
For if I'd never had a problem,
I wouldn't know God could solve them,
I'd never know what faith in God could do.
VU # 540 DOXOLOGY “Grant Us God the Grace of Giving” (Sandy)
Grant us god the grace of giving
With a spirit large and free
That ourselves and all our living
We may offer faithfully.
Gracious God, we offer you what we have, at least a part of it, thankful that your love is overflowing. Bless these gifts with your love so that their goodness will overflow to meet the needs of those who cry out to you and to us, for Christ’s sake.
(Christopher, Verona, Sheldon , Suzanne, Jimmy)
Good and generous God,
In Jesus Christ you came to us, promising us life in abundance.
We give you thanks today for the abundant gifts we receive in him:
Assurance of your love day by day;
Relief of mercy when we recognize our own failings;
Hope renewed when things seem bleak;
Peace that comes when we trust ourselves to your eternal keeping.
These are the gifts that matter, O God, so for all the times we experience these gifts we thank you in these moments of silence:
(Keep silence for at least 10 seconds)
Generous God, the world is going through difficult times this summer.
So we pray for all whose lives seem empty of joy:
Because plans have changed, and friends seem far away.
Because hearts are filled with disappointment and loneliness.
Because sorrow and grief rise up each day.
Support each one we name in this silence with your abundant compassion:
(Keep silence for at least 10 seconds)
Generous God, so many things must be rearranged because of the pandemic and what it has revealed.
We pray for those whose lives are empty of purpose,
and for those who do not know the respect of their neighbours:
Because they are without work.
Because they face discrimination and are devalued in our communities.
Because they have made poor choices and cannot find a way forward.
Support each one we name in this silence with your abundant mercy and show them signs of hope:
(Keep silence for at least 10 seconds)
Generous God,
We remember before you in silence those who lives are empty of peace and hope:
Because they struggle with illness or disability.
Because they are powerless in the face of violence.
Because old animosities rankle and opportunities for reconciliation are elusive.
(Keep silence for at least 10 seconds)
Send your dove of peace and promise to create new possibilities for each one.
Good and generous God, fill us with the energy and compassion of your Spirit to reach out to those facing difficult times. May we become the gift we have received in Jesus for it is in his name we pray, saying…
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name;
Your kingdom come; Your will be done; on earth as in heaven.
Give us this today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial; And deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory, are Yours, now and forever. Amen.
-Our re-opening committee will not meet again until we have a date for re-opening
-Although we are not using the building the costs of the Church continue with utilities & insurance costs as well we have chosen not to lay off our three staff.
Rather than passing the plate weekly we would encourage either:
By post-dated cheques mailed to the Church:
2550 Danforth Avenue, Toronto M4C 1LC
by credit card through the CanadaHelps website:
In Search: select Hope United Church Toronto, then click on the connection
Then use Donate Now and proceed.
(Note that CanadaHelps levies a 4% service fee so your donation will be for the lower unless you select donating the 4% fee to CanadaHelps which is a charity so you will receive a tax receipt.)
If you have any questions about donations please contact the Church office.
Thank you.
-Our service next Sunday, August 2nd will be on-line at 11:00am
-For pastoral emergencies, please contact Brian Stevens via email or on his cell 647-825-5136
CLOSING PRAYER (Christopher)
We rejoice in you Jesus, for in your tender kindness you shoulder our burdens and ease our heavy hearts.
Give us the strength to carry each other as you have carried us. Amen.
“Closing Hymn” MV # 79 “Spirit, Open My Heart” (Sandy)
Spirit open my heart,
to the joy and pain of living.
As You love, may I love;
in receiving and in giving.
Spirit open my heart.
God replace my stony heart,
with a heart kind and tender.
All my coldness and pain
to Your grace, I now surrender.
Spirit open my heart,
to the joy and pain of living.
As You love, may I love;
in receiving and in giving.
Spirit open my heart.
Write Your love upon my heart,
as my law, my goal, my story.
In each though, word and deed,
May my living be Your glory.
Spirit open my heart,
to the joy and pain of living.
As You love, may I love;
in receiving and in giving.
Spirit open my heart.
May I weep with those who weep;
share my joy with sisters, brothers.
In the Name of Christ,
May we welcome one another.
Spirit open my heart,
to the joy and pain of living.
As You love, may I love;
in receiving and in giving.
Spirit open my heart.
Go as seed and yeast, willing to lose your life in the larger purpose of God
Go as fishermen and treasure seekers,
Pouring out your days in search of hidden grace
CHORAL BLESSING “Walk in Love” (Sandy)
Walk in love as you go into the world,
Walk in peace with everyone you meet,
May God’s grace touch your heart, mind and soul…
This day and evermore, Amen.
Amen, Alleluia and Amen!